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South Australian Rally Championship

2008 SA Conditions of Rallying and SARC Supp Regs

The 2008 SA Conditions of Rallying and SARC Series Supplementary Regulations are now available here or from the following website


Rally Forums A Step In The Right Direction


ARCom Chairman, Colin Trinder, today expressed how encouraged he has been by the reception from the Australian rally community and constructive feedback received from ARCom's consultative forums held during February.

He identified officials licencing, shortening lines of communication, reducing and simplifying bureaucracy, empowerment at the local and regional levels of the sport and fostering opportunities for diversity in grass roots motor sport as the key themes emerging from the forums.

Southern Rally: SARC 5, SACS 5


Southern Rally, the final round of both the SARC and SACS in 2008. More information can be found as it comes to hand here.

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